Saturday, May 31, 2008

Organized Zoo

That's what the Beaujolais is going to be :)

A group of us all formed over at Kellie's today to schedule out the show. I've never gone to help schedule before and it was a experience. I only wish I had taken my little point and shoot in so I could show everyone the boards. Shelly and Kellie and Lothar have it down to a science.

We started cutting out blocks to represent time and a class, with different colors for different levels, then split them out by days. From there we placed judge names at the top of the white board and started putting classes in columns for each judge starting with Friday, which really was easy with 1 ring of sport horse and 2 rings of dressage. Saturday and Sunday where a little more challenging as each day went on. the pieces went down and then moved around time and again to make the rings end close and make every possible effort to place TOC classes first before Q's and that no judge, judged the same Q class twice. The only over lap in that area was 3 training level juniors and not really as on Friday they are with just one judge and on Sunday they are in the double judge arena which counts as different judges. Then we went though and made sure all the classes where there, names the rings (you want to know them don't you) and put the schedule in, Kellie still has to go in and take care of the problems, you know when you ride more than one horse, you can't ride two or three of them in half a hour ;) That gets taken care of by hand and brain to make every possible minute count for you.

There is a Secretary's day, well there should be a Show Secretary's day to!!

Stay tuned, I have Glenwood Elementary School Talent show pic's to put up in the next day or so as well. Just a few off my little camera though :)

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