Monday, April 28, 2008

Black Belt Day

The day finially came, I've had it blocked out on the calendar for weeks and weeks now, I miss so much "family" time with my job.

I spent Friday and Saturday with the family watching my cousin test for her Taekwondo Black Belt. I was struck again by the "family" the students at the School have formed. They aren't the same age, or go to the same school, they range from 8-40 but they all have this connection which each other making them a family. It has a great feeling to see that with all the differences they are there for each other with the success and trying times, knowing if you need help they are going to reach out if they can.

(if you have a picture posted and would like it removed email me)

Thursday, April 24, 2008


I went to see Karibbean today! It was great to get down and see him, I haven't been down since I went on vacation. He looks so good, and I see in him now the same spirit he had as a baby. It makes me feel so much better and my heart warmer to see that spark and the ease in which he gets a long with Jessica. He and I have had are share of emotional scars in the last few months and it's great to see him healing and moving forward. It definitely made my day to see, even with the 4+ hours driving.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

It's a Birthday today.

Anyone getting here from the Business website, it's Heather's Birthday!!! So Happy Birthday Heather.

The main part of show season is getting closer and closer and Heather and I are busy trying to think of new products! Beaujolais entries opened yesterday, I'm filling in mine tonight and getting Jessica's Signatures tomorrow so every should be on the lookout for Karibbean, it's finally time for him to get out and be a big boy, and it feels like it was forever coming. I'm almost afraid I'll jinx it even mentioning he's going to be out showing a little this year. Some of you have seen him before at the Sport Horse shows but I'm excited to have him out under saddle.

Meanwhile I'd like to stop needing to take the hose apart every night for fear it'll freeze - it is almost May!

Friday, April 18, 2008

I't raining, it's snowing

Wait what? It's almost May here in the Pacific Northwest and today it's snowing with a prediction of snow for the weekend. We'll see what tomorrow brings, if it's nice enough to get around and still has snow I'll have to go exploring, it's not often around here that you can have spring flowers with snow in the same picture, at least not without Photoshop :) There is probably two inches or more in the backyard which is proving to be a challenge for the dogs, though they love to play in it.

Now I'm going to quit work for the night and watch the end of "Something to talk about" on Lifetime, I know it's a exciting Friday night!

(Maggie say's It's Snowing, but I've started to shed!)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

1st Post


I've decided to give blogging a try, though I have a fairly quite life. Hopefully I can think of things to post! I just got back from Vacation and I'm now ready for the 08 show season to get under way. I know we have had a few shows already but it seems from here on out it really starts to get crazy! I started a facebook page, I've put highlights from the 07 season and started files for highlights from this year so you'll have to go check them out.

It was nice to finally get out of town for a break. Those of you who know me know I've had some failed vacation attempts. I went on a Cruise with some of my family and it was great to see them, as most of the family on vacation lives in Atlanta. We had a great time, I think one of my favorites was sitting on the beach the day we where in Haiti. My brothers both did the zip line.

Look I'm getting Sun on my Legs!