Saturday, November 7, 2009


Long time between posts again!

Everyone kept me hopping right up to USDF award deadlines. Now it is time to change thoughts from that deadline and onto Holiday Deadlines. Any bags you might want need to be ordered by December 5th. Don't forget Dad's, there is a wallet option or a Dopp kit for Dads and Husbands on the go.

The fun Crystal Icebergs and Ornaments I had out this summer should also be ordered by December 5th to insure time to get them out to you.

Jeremy Steinberg has updated the Region 6 Young Riders site. You can find a link on my links page to head over there and find all kinds of information, including ways to help support the Junior/Young riders. Fundraising is a all year activity for getting the teams back to Championships every year.

Don't forget the Region 6 Mini Convention is in Portland on the 21st. More information on that is available on the region 6 website.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Summervale 2009

Here are a few highlights from the Summervale Show and Auction.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Some New Changes

Many of you will be receiving a letter in the mail in the next few days.  I know I am missing some mailing addresses though so please feel free to let you clients and barn mates know.  Here is a copy of that letter.

Happy Spring,

I hope you are well.  I know the winter was long and hard on everyone.  It robbed me of the opportunity to send out my holiday card and I was sad not to be able to send these out this year. 

As we come into the heavy part of show season, I am making some changes and wanted to make sure you knew about them.

Sign-Up Costs

As of June 1st I am going to a paid sign-up for photos. 

I fought hard against doing this, but it feels like the right thing to do now.  I realize this will make it harder for some to purchase pictures in these tough economic times.  I have to live in them as well. 

Often, there is a misconception that digital photography is free or at least cheaper than film.  While it is true that I can just delete bad photos and, with film, you don’t have that luxury, digital is in fact more expensive.  The technology is always changing, resulting in frequent equipment upgrades.  Software for editing photos is costly and is also regularly upgraded.  There is considerable time required in just putting images online.  It’s not as simple as shoot, then upload.  It is shoot, sort, cull, quick crop and color adjust, convert to Jpeg, then compress to create a second smaller Jpeg, and finally upload.  When a photo is purchased, I go back to the raw file and re-crop and color correct/edit for optimum output at that time.   

Storage of the files is a huge problem; for example the 2008 Championship show was over 60 Gigabytes of memory – it is stored on two sets of 15 DVDs, with each set taking nine hours to burn and occupying a large chunk of an external drive as an extra backup resource.  I spend hundreds of dollars a year just backing up the photo files.  It also costs quite a bit to keep these files online.  While I really want to help everyone out and genuinely enjoy capturing great images, I can’t keep incurring the costs of hosting your training tools, sales images, stallion promos and family galleries for free.  It’s not just the overhead cost.  My wonderful contract staff and I work very hard trying to take pictures of everyone and we really do deserve something for our time.   While we have tried to capture pictures of all horses at a show, only a portion of those riders really want photos.  The sign-up fee will allow us to be much more efficient in our use of time and be able to concentrate on and serve those who do want photos. 

I still will not be showing photos in my booth.  It is a great way for disaster to happen because of rushing and is how great pictures get lost - forever.

I will have an online “gallery” for sign-ups and have purchased a locked drop box to have sign-ups and payments left in my booth.  For those who drop off forms after Thursday or Friday for two day shows, I will post my cell number so that you can call or text me to let me know to add you to the schedule.   My sign-up fee is going to be $15 a horse per weekend, Friday to Sunday.  For those events that include two shows in one weekend, there is only one $15 fee needed per horse.  If you sign-up online before midnight the Wednesday before the show, I will email you a 10% off coupon to use on your order.  This coupon can be combined with an early bird special, when offered.  Additional information can be found on my website and on the sign-up sheet.

Digital Files

For those of you who buy digital files – as a reminder, once I send a file, it is non-returnable.  Also my logo or photo credit does need to remain with that photo when you are using it for advertising.  Flying Changes is great about doing this, but it is your responsibility when you submit a photo to let the publication know that credit/logo must be included with the final photo. 

A last bit of housekeeping, it is not permissible to buy a small print and then scan it or have it reproduced in any form.  If you want to use a photo for advertising or for selling a horse, you need to purchase the digital file.  This includes making multiple copies for yourself.  If a year or more after you bought print(s) you need an advertising photo, I will sell the digital file of the same print(s) at a reduced cost.    Please also remember it is a copyright violation to remove or copy pictures from my website in any manner, even for Facebook or  MySpace use.  If you wish to have a web-only sized jpeg (i.e., Facebook, MySpace) you will have the option to add that feature for $10 (a print) when you buy the same photo as a print. 


I’ve again found some new products that I think you will love and hope to have samples at the June Benefit WEC show. 

If you are on Twitter or Facebook you can find me and follow along – I try to update both as I’m editing proofs and getting them online.  You never know, I might let you know a tidbit such as the Tully’s at the top of the hill just past the Muckleshoot casino being gone.  There is an independent coffee place in there now, so at least there is coffee on the way to Donida J.

As I have known a great many of you since I was in my early teens (and in some cases younger), it has been hard to sit down and write this letter as I consider you all extended family.  But I do have to remember that this is a business and hope that none of you take this personally. 


I look forward to seeing you this season and best of luck,


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Infrared Conversion

I'm so excited. I sent a small Canon Rebel XSI in to LifePixel for Infrared Conversion. It came back in the mail today and I'm so pleased. I'm totally taking it to the show on Sunday. Full color photos are just to show the difference, they are from my Mark III.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Cancun EE - Baby Photos

It's that time of year, babies are on the way!! Remember that they grow up fast and you will want these cute precious moments caught to keep for a lifetime. Give me a call to schedule time for your baby photos!

Here is the 1st baby photos of the year.

Cancun EE - Black colt by Northforks Cardi out of Whimsical Gal (Warkanson/Native Dancer)

The latest North Forks Cardi foal arrived out of a Warkanson mare [Hanoverian] who is World Cup (same lines as Weltmeyer) and Eiger I breeding. The mare's dam is a TB with some Native Dancer background. This stunning black colt is fan-cy and as you can see, has the movement to excel as a sport mount and as a prospect for sport pony breeding. Dam is 16.1 hh and he should mature 15-something. Contact owner Jessica Wisdom for more information at Tel: 253-230-9764 Pictured at 10 days athletic and handsome.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Hi Everyone,

How quickly April went by, right after my last post I was sick with Pneumonia and down for two plus weeks.

Still it was a busy month!

Emily covered the EI schooling show for me in early April and before we knew it I was at Donida for the Derby. All of those photos are online and ready to view. As well as the 1st show up at Whidbey Equestrian Center the 1st few days of May, it was great to see everyone after the winter. is the direct link to the photos.

Heather is at the Key Classic Morgan show today! Those of you who showed with her over the years I hope you got a chance to catch up with her, she was excited to be going and seeing all of you! I’ll try to have those photos online as quickly as I can, but for sure by Tuesday evening.

It’s been an education week for me. On Monday I sat in on a webinar with Michael Redford on beach portraits, which had great timing (to find out why you’ll have to tune in two weeks to see). The webinar was a fun time, it started a little early for someone who had been at a horse show all weekend and had been up Sunday night already editing photos, but the beauty of a webinar is I sat at my laptop in my PJ’s and learned. Heather and I went to the David Ziser’s – Digital Dawn tour on Tuesday night. It was fantastic. Any photographers out there that read this and are still down the tour line from Seattle, it was great – GO.

Those of you who have been waiting on me to figure out pictures for Albums for you, they just got better!! David showed some fantastic software that is going to make laying out pages even more dynamic, I’m very excited. One of the vendors at the seminar was showing some of their products – check out the our booth hopefully at the June benefit show up at WEC to seem them, that it’s a quick turn around though so it might be a show latter.

Take note, Beaujolais and Chablis entries are DUE – they did extend the deadline but send you entries today : ) Both of those shows are ODS qualifying, but remember to add the $1 per ride to your entry : )

Take a look at the Champagne and Devonwood entries, I bet they open soon if they are not already.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sad Dog

Sad Dog
Faith is very unhappy with me - She has licked a open sore on one hind leg and in her Lab OCD way won't leave it alone. Now she is wearing socks and elastic snaps with some yarn hooked to a harness to keep them on :) I did try to warn her. For complete visual see pictures.
If you haven't already seen that the March Donida pictures up, the March Donida pictures are up. I did delete a lot, dark horses inside are hard.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Congratulations to Jessica Wisdom

Congratulations to Jessica Wisdom and Equi-Librium Equestrian on her acquisition of Diamondhead - USDF DSHB 2 year old of the year.

Can't wait to see you in the show ring this summer!!!

Long time no post

Ok, I know it's been a long long time since I left a post. I was disillusioned and had to rethink. I had wanted to start a blog to share all the fun times and some of the best photos from shows with everyone. What I found was pictures where taken off the blog by individuals for there own personal use with no payment, by the way this is a violation of federal copyright. I had felt like the blog could be no fun without pictures, but we're going to try again. I'll just be choosier about the photos I choose to share and understand that some people just don't care how hard others work and you'll understand that if you do take something and I find out, I'll be in touch for payment :)

Having gotten that off my chest what is new with everyone! It has been a supper long time. I turned 30 last October while at the USDF Region 6 Championships and it was great to share that with everyone there. My friends made sure I had a great day and felt really loved. We had cake and a princes crown and Crepe paper, it was a party.

I once again was at the USDF convention in December, this year in Denver. This year I was a Region 6 delegate and will continue to serve until a new group is voted on this summer.

We had way to much snow at Christmas time, more snow they people could remember seeing in over 40 years. In fact Mom and I spent our 1st Christmas without any extended family, it was just the two of us as we couldn't get out of our driveway. We did make it down to see the family the day after. We are adding to the family, one of my cousin's got engaged right after Christmas, which is exciting.

Now here we are in March and show season is getting underway. Who knows what the new year is bringing, maybe even a date for me ;) I'm also starting to think about adding more fish to the fish tank again, there is a new Discus Breeder/Importer over on Whidbey in Oak Harbor (Back Year Discus LLC), which would mean I wouldn't have to go though the stress of putting fish on a plane.

For those going to Donida this weekend I'll see you there!
