Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sad Dog

Sad Dog
Faith is very unhappy with me - She has licked a open sore on one hind leg and in her Lab OCD way won't leave it alone. Now she is wearing socks and elastic snaps with some yarn hooked to a harness to keep them on :) I did try to warn her. For complete visual see pictures.
If you haven't already seen that the March Donida pictures up, the March Donida pictures are up. I did delete a lot, dark horses inside are hard.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Congratulations to Jessica Wisdom

Congratulations to Jessica Wisdom and Equi-Librium Equestrian on her acquisition of Diamondhead - USDF DSHB 2 year old of the year.

Can't wait to see you in the show ring this summer!!!

Long time no post

Ok, I know it's been a long long time since I left a post. I was disillusioned and had to rethink. I had wanted to start a blog to share all the fun times and some of the best photos from shows with everyone. What I found was pictures where taken off the blog by individuals for there own personal use with no payment, by the way this is a violation of federal copyright. I had felt like the blog could be no fun without pictures, but we're going to try again. I'll just be choosier about the photos I choose to share and understand that some people just don't care how hard others work and you'll understand that if you do take something and I find out, I'll be in touch for payment :)

Having gotten that off my chest what is new with everyone! It has been a supper long time. I turned 30 last October while at the USDF Region 6 Championships and it was great to share that with everyone there. My friends made sure I had a great day and felt really loved. We had cake and a princes crown and Crepe paper, it was a party.

I once again was at the USDF convention in December, this year in Denver. This year I was a Region 6 delegate and will continue to serve until a new group is voted on this summer.

We had way to much snow at Christmas time, more snow they people could remember seeing in over 40 years. In fact Mom and I spent our 1st Christmas without any extended family, it was just the two of us as we couldn't get out of our driveway. We did make it down to see the family the day after. We are adding to the family, one of my cousin's got engaged right after Christmas, which is exciting.

Now here we are in March and show season is getting underway. Who knows what the new year is bringing, maybe even a date for me ;) I'm also starting to think about adding more fish to the fish tank again, there is a new Discus Breeder/Importer over on Whidbey in Oak Harbor (Back Year Discus LLC), which would mean I wouldn't have to go though the stress of putting fish on a plane.

For those going to Donida this weekend I'll see you there!
